@hackage dl-fedora0.6

Fedora image download tool


Previously called fedora-img-dl.

Hackage GPL-3 license Stackage Lts Stackage Nightly

A tool for downloading Fedora images. By default it targets the Workstation edition of Fedora.

Usage example:

dl-fedora rawhide : downloads the latest Fedora Rawhide Workstation Live iso

dl-fedora -e silverblue 30 : downloads Fedora 30 Silverblue iso

dl-fedora -e kde respin : downloads the latest KDE Live respin

dl-fedora --edition server --arch aarch64 29 : will bring down the F29 Server iso

A symlink to the latest iso is also created: eg for rawhide it might be "Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-Rawhide-latest.iso".

When available it also tries to check the iso checksum and its gpg signature.