@hackage discord-haskell1.12.1

Write bots for Discord in Haskell

discord-haskell CI Status Hackage version Discord server

Build that discord bot in Haskell! Also checkout the calamity haskell library for a more advanced interface.

Local Documentation

Documentation on specific features and metadata is in the local documentation folder

Discord Server

Ask questions, get updates, request features, etc in the project discord server: https://discord.gg/eaRAGgX3bK

Official Discord Documentation

This api closley matches the official discord documentation, which lists the rest requests, gateway events, and gateway sendables.

You can use the docs to check the name of something you want to do. For example: the docs list a Get Channel API path, which translates to discord-haskell's rest request ADT for GetChannel of type ChannelId -> ChannelRequest Channel.

Open an Issue

If something goes wrong: check the error message (optional: check the debugging logs), make sure you have the most recent version, ask on discord, or open a github issue.


This is an example bot that replies "pong" to messages that start with "ping". Also checkout the other examples for things like state management.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}  -- allows "string literals" to be Text
import           Control.Monad (when, void)
import           UnliftIO.Concurrent
import           Data.Text (isPrefixOf, toLower, Text)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO

import           Discord
import           Discord.Types
import qualified Discord.Requests as R

-- | Replies "pong" to every message that starts with "ping"
pingpongExample :: IO ()
pingpongExample = do 
    userFacingError <- runDiscord $ def
             { discordToken = "Bot ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"
             , discordOnEvent = eventHandler    }
    TIO.putStrLn userFacingError
    -- userFacingError is an unrecoverable error
    -- put normal 'cleanup' code in discordOnEnd (see examples)

eventHandler :: Event -> DiscordHandler ()
eventHandler event = case event of
       MessageCreate m -> when (isPing m && (not (fromBot m)) $ do
               void $ restCall (R.CreateReaction (messageChannelId m, messageId m) "eyes")
               threadDelay (2 * 10^6)
               void $ restCall (R.CreateMessage (messageChannelId m) "Pong!")
       _ -> return ()

fromBot :: Message -> Bool
fromBot = userIsBot . messageAuthor

isPing :: Message -> Bool
isPing = ("ping" `isPrefixOf`) . toLower . messageContent


discord-haskell is on hosted on hackage at https://hackage.haskell.org/package/discord-haskell,

Add the following to your stack.yaml (if using stack)

- emoji-
- discord-haskell-VERSION

And add this to the project.cabal

executable haskell-bot
  main-is:             src/Main.hs
  default-language:    Haskell2010
  ghc-options:         -threaded
  build-depends:       base
                     , text
                     , discord-haskell 
             --                          == VERSION      (if using cabal)

For a more complete example with various options go to Installing the Library wiki page

Also take a look at Creating your first Bot for some help setting up your bot token

Rough Roadmap

  • Add slash commands issue

  • APIv9 issue

  • Event type includes roles and other cached info

  • higher level bot interface? easier to add state and stuff