@hackage config-value0.6

Simple, layout-based value language similar to YAML or JSON


Build Status

This package implements a simple, layout-based value definition language used for supplying configuration values to various applications.


-- Line comments until newline
      {} -- empty section


    {- Block comments
       {- nested comments -}
       "O'caml style {- strings in comments"
       so you can comment out otherwise valid
       portions of your config
    atoms      : yes

    decimal    : -1234
    hexadecimal: 0x1234
    octal      : 0o1234
    binary     : 0b1010
    floating   : 12.34e56

   * sections: in-lists
     next-section: still-in-list
   * [ "inline", "lists" ]
   * * "nestable"
     * "layout"
     * "lists"
   * 3

unicode : "standard Haskell format strings (1 ≤ 2)\x2228(2 ≤ 3)"


The language supports: Strings, Atoms, Integers, Lists, Nested Sections.

Sections are layout based. The contents of a section must be indented further than the section heading. The whitespace between a section heading and its colon is not significant. Section names must start with a letter and may contain letters, numbers, dashes (-), underscores (_), and periods (.).

Lists are either layout based with * prefixes or inline surrounded by [ and ] delimited by ,

Strings are surrounded by " and use Haskell-style escapes.

Numbers support decimal, hexadecimal (0x), octal (0o), and binary (0b).

Atoms follow the same lexical rule as section heading.