@hackage concurrent-hashtable0.1.8

Thread-safe hash tables for multi-cores!

A thread-safe hash table for multi-cores

You can find benchmarks and more information about the internals of this package here.


stack install

Usage Example

> ht <- newWithDefaults 4     -- creates hash table of initial size 4
> insert ht 1 "hello"         -- adds key-value pair (1,"hello")
> insert ht 2 "world"         -- adds key-value pair (2,"world")
> atomically $ readAssocs ht  -- convert to a key-value list
> readSizeIO ht               -- returns 4
> insert ht 3 "!"             -- adds key-value pair (3,"!") and triggers a resize as the load fraction is ≥ 0.75
> readSizeIO ht               -- returns 8
> atomically $ readAssocs ht  -- convert to a key-value list