@hackage composite-xml0.1.0.0

RecXML Type


A simple xml parser/printer type using composite records. RecXML is defined like

data RecXML :: Symbol -> [Type] -> [Type] -> Type where
  RNode :: Rec Maybe xs -> [Field ys] -> RecXML s xs ys

An RNode is typed indexed by it's node name, an index of attributes it may contain, and list of child node types of which it may contain any number or multiplicity. The child nodes will typically also be RecXMLs, but this is not enforced.

    type A = "a" :-> Text

    type B = "b" :-> Int

    type C = "c" :-> Bool

    type D = "d" :-> Text

    type E = "e" :-> Int

type Child1 = RecXML "Child1" '[C] '[]
type Child2 = RecXML "Child2" '[D, E] '[]

type Root = RecXML "Root" '[A, B] '[Child1, Child2]

child1 :: Child1
child1 = RNode (Just True :^: RNil) []

child2 :: Child2
child2 = RNode (Just "bar" :^: Just 7 :^: RNil) []

child2b :: Child2
child2b = RNode (Just "quux" :^: Just 8 :^: RNil) []

root :: Root
root = RNode (Just "foo" :^: Just 5 :^: RNil) $ [field child1, field child2, field child2b]

corresponds to the xml

<Root a="foo" b="5">
  <Child1 c="true"></Child1>
  <Child2 d="bar" e="7"></Child2>
  <Child2 d="quux" e="8"></Child2>