@hackage commander-cli0.9.0.0

A command line argument/option parser library

Commander CLI

Hackage Build Status

This library is meant to allow Haskell programs to quickly and easily construct command line interfaces which are easy to use, especially as a Haskell user. To begin, I suggest viewing/playing with the task-manager application which comes with this repository. Its usage info is generated as:

task-manager help
task-manager (required env: TASK_DIRECTORY :: [Char]) edit <task-name :: [Char]>
task-manager (required env: TASK_DIRECTORY :: [Char]) open <task-name :: [Char]>
task-manager (required env: TASK_DIRECTORY :: [Char]) close <task-name :: [Char]>
task-manager (required env: TASK_DIRECTORY :: [Char]) tasks
task-manager (required env: TASK_DIRECTORY :: [Char]) priorities
task-manager (required env: TASK_DIRECTORY :: [Char])

The library is based around the following classes:

class Unrender r where
  unrender :: Text -> Maybe r

This class is what you will use to define the parsing of a type from text and can use any parsing library or whatever you want. Next, we have the class

class HasProgram p where
  data ProgramT p m a
  run :: ProgramT p IO a -> CommanderT State IO a
  hoist :: (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ProgramT p m a -> ProgramT p n a
  invocations :: [Text]

Instances of this class will define a syntactic element, a new instance of the data family ProgramT, as well as its semantics in terms of the CommanderT monad, which is a backtracking monad based on a metaphor to military commanders which retreats upon defeat.