@hackage casadi-bindings-internal0.1.1

low level bindings to CasADi

Debian/Ubuntu instructions

Version numbers correspond to the C++ library version numbers except the very last number which may indicate breaking changes.

This only works on Debian/Ubuntu at the moment (sorry).

Install libcasadi from a .deb package here: https://github.com/casadi/casadi/releases, I use libcasadi-shared. (Get the version corresponding to the current casadi-bindings version, for example casadi-bindings- is libcasadi 1.9.0)

Then, - `cabal update; cabal install casadi-bindings`

Temporary note: there is something wrong with casadi and ipopt related to http://list.coin-or.org/pipermail/ipopt/2014-April/003670.html, and https://github.com/casadi/casadi/issues/1075. At the moment this .cabal package works for me as is, but YMMV