@hackage calenderweek1.0.0

Commandline tool to get week of the year


Simple commandline tool to print week of year. If nothing is provided, the current week is printed. To query the week of year for a specific date, provide the date in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).


Week of year is often used for communicating a time span. "We are planning to finish the feature in week 50" is a short and precise way to say that we finish between the 9th and the 15th december of 2019. Many Calender programs, like Outlook, are not providing this number.


kw 2019-11-25

kw                           #week of today

kw -h

>kw [YYYY-MM-DD] Returns week of year of today or of given date

>Usage: kw [TEXT]

>Available options:
-h,--help                Show this help text