@hackage aws-easy0.1.0.3

Helper function and types for working with amazonka


Travis branch Hackage GitHub license

This is a collection of helper functions and some Template Haskell that I use regularly and has streamlined my use of the amazonka framework for interacting with Amazon Web Services. It was extracted from the code I wrote as part of my AWS via Haskell series of blog posts.


Clone repository

git clone https://github.com/rcook/aws-easy.git

Install compiler

stack setup


stack build --fast

Dump out Template Haskell splices

stack clean && stack build --ghc-options='-ddump-splices -ddump-to-file'
find . -name '*.dump-splices'


stack test

Publish new version

  • Bump version number in aws-easy.cabal
  • Commit change
  • Create a Git tag, e.g. git tag -a v0.1.0.3 -m v0.1.0.3
  • Push to GitHub, e.g. git push && git push --tags
  • Publish using stack upload .


Released under MIT License