@hackage arcgrid0.1.0.0

Parse ESRI/ArcInfo (ArcGrid) raster GIS files


This is a parser for ESRI/ArcInfo (ArcGrid) files. These are raster GIS files widely used by many geographics-related software to represent elevations or terrain features.

Only ASCII GRID (.asc) files are supported at the moment.

In app/valley.asc there is a test elevation model of a small valley area. It is parsed and printed by the arcgrid-exe if you do stack exec arcgrid-exe.


The library exports the ArcGrid datatype and its accessors:

data ArcGrid = ArcGrid
               { ncols :: Int
               , nrows :: Int
               , xllcorner :: Maybe Float
               , yllcorner :: Maybe Float
               , xllcenter :: Maybe Float
               , yllcenter :: Maybe Float
               , cellsize :: Float
               , nodata_value :: Maybe Int
               , vat :: [Int]

The main interface for reading of grid files is arcGridFromFile, but the bytestring parser (to be used with Parsec) is also exported.

arcGridFromFile :: String -> IO ArcGrid

asciiGridParser :: Parser ArcGrid


  • unparsing
  • optimizations
  • support of proprietary binary formats?