@hackage VRML0.1.0.0

VRML parser and generator for Haskell


VRML is a text file format for a 3D polygon. It is a standard known as ISO/IEC 14772-1:1997. It has been superseded by X3D.

webots uses VRML-format to make simulation environment. This package is developed for making the environment by haskell.

VRML to Haskell

vrml2haskell command generates haskell-code from VRML-file. Usage is below.

> vrml2haskell "vrml file" > "haskell file"

Haskell to VRML

'ToNode' type-class makes VRML-data from Haskell-data with deriving ToNode.

class ToNode a where
  toNode :: NodeLike b => a -> b

Usage of deriving ToNode is below.

data Box = Box
  { size :: (Float,Float,Float)
  } deriving (Generic,Show,Eq,ToNode)