@hackage SimpleTableGenerator0.2.0.0

Simple table generator



This library is for drawing text tables.

Pass a 2D-list of strings representing cells and get a single string with table contents.

makeDefaultSimpleTable :: [[String]] -> String

Newlines are supported.

Basic usage

putStrLn $ makeDefaultSimpleTable [["1","2","3"], ["One","Two","Three"], ["First", "Second"]]
│ 1     │ 2      │ 3     │
│ One   │ Two    │ Three │
│ First │ Second │       │

Advanced usage

You can configure the table by constructing SimpleTableConfig and passing it to makeSimpleTable.

putStrLn $ makeSimpleTable simpleTableConfig {
    tableBorders = "+++++++++-|",
    colMinWidths  = [3, 4],
    rowMinHeights = [2],
    padFunction   = simpleTableLeftPad,
    cellPadFunction = simpleTableBottomPad,
    horizontalPadding = 0,
    verticalPadding = 1,
    paddingStr = ".,`"
    } [["a"], ["b", "c"]]

Check out the docs for more info.