@hackage SciFlow0.2.0

Scientific workflow management system

SciFlow is to help programmers design complex workflows with ease.

Feature includes:

  1. Use "labeled" arrows to connect individual steps and cache computational results.

  2. Use monad and template haskell to automate the process of building DAGs.

Here is a trivial example. Since we use template haskell, we need to divide this small program into two files.

-- File 1: MyModule.hs

module MyModule where

import Control.Arrow
import Scientific.Workflow

input :: Actor () Int
input = arr $ const 10

plus1 :: Actor Int Int
plus1 = arr (+1)

mul2 :: Actor Int Int
mul2 = arr (*2)

combine :: Actor (Int, Int) Int
combine = arr $ \(a,b) -> a + b

-- builder monad
builder :: Builder ()
builder = do
node "id000" "input" "this is input"
node "id001" "plus1" "add 1 to the input"
node "id002" "mul2" "double the input"
node "id003" "combine" "combine two input"

"id000" ~> "id001"
"id000" ~> "id002"
link2 ("id001", "id002") "id003"

-- File 2: main.hs

import Scientific.Workflow
import MyModule
import Data.Default

-- assemble workflow using template haskell
$(mkWorkflow "myWorkflow" builder)

main = do result <- runWorkflow myWorkflow def
          print result