@hackage Hayoo1.2.3

The Hayoo! search engine for Haskell API search on hackage

The Hayoo! Search Engine

The system is build with the familiar 3 steps

cabal configure cabal build cabal install

There are 3 executables: hayooIndexer, hayooSearch and hayooFastCGI, which will be installed under "~/.cabal/bin".

The applications require besides various hackage packages the Holumbus-Searchengine package. The sources for this package are located in the repository "../Holumbus-Searchengine".

All sources are located in subdir "src", the applications can be executed in subdir "index". There is a Makefile to build the hackage index and to start the Hayoo seach server.

  • Installation

  • Dependencies (0)

  • Dependents (1)

  • Package Flags

       (on by default)

      Build Hayoo! search with Snap server version 4 or version 7

       (off by default)

      Build with hashed index instead of compact index. The main difference between CompactIndex (default) and HashedIndex is the generation of document ids. With CompactIndex the document ids are generated sequentially by using a counter. So the ids are only valid per index. With HashedIndex the ids are generated by computing a hash value (64 bit) from the document URL. So these ids are valid across different indexes. This enables easy and efficient merging of separatly generated indexes. Updating indexes becomes mutch easier with this strategy. The drawback is a larger inverted index. The small numbers in the CompactIndex can be compressed much better than the large numbers generated by the hash function.