@cardano cardano-wallet-read1.0.0.1

Read Cardano block data, parametrized by era

Data types and functions for blockchain data, such as blocks, transactions, certificates, …. These types are

  • self-contained,

  • compatible with types from the cardano-ledger packages,

  • parameterized uniformly over the Cardano era (Byron, Shelley, …),

  • but: focus on reading from the blockchain, self-contained construction of transactions is not a design goal,

  • but: not complete, tailored to wallet needs

This package is useful when reading data from the blockchain, when you have handle data from historic eras in a structured manner. When writing data to the blockchain, i.e. when creating new transactions, we instead recommend that you use types that are specific to the current (and the upcoming) era.

The source code for this package also contains a partial, preliminary axiomatization of these types using agda2hs.