Changelog of @hackage/zyre2

Changelog for zyre2

This minor release adds the function 'peerName' to allow retrieving a nodes name by its id without manually having to track Enter/Exit messages. It also removes some misleading haddock documentation.

Initial release. Versions through are internal development releases. Developed and tested with zyre release 2.0.1.

Supports most functionality of zyre, excluding:

  • Draft API
  • Gossip protocol discovery

The following zyre functions are excluded:

  • int zyre_set_endpoint (zyre_t *self, const char *format, ...) CHECK_PRINTF (2);
  • void zyre_gossip_bind (zyre_t *self, const char *format, ...) CHECK_PRINTF (2);
  • void zyre_gossip_connect (zyre_t *self, const char *format, ...) CHECK_PRINTF (2);