Changelog of @hackage/zeolite-lang

Revision history for zeolite-lang -- 2021-10-25

Compiler CLI

  • [breaking] Changes how BoxedValue is created for new TypeValue instances in C++ extensions. Rather than BoxedValue(new Foo(...)), you must now use BoxedValue::New<Foo>(...). This breaks all existing extensions that instantiate new values.

  • [breaking] Removes all passing of Var_self in C++ extensions. Use VAR_SELF where Var_self was previously used, and delete the Var_self argument from function signatures. This breaks all existing extensions.


  • [fix] Fixes obscure memory leak in weak values, triggered by a very specific sequence of events between three threads. This leak was unlikely to affect any programs that did not specifically attempt to trigger it.

  • [new] Allows update blocks for traverse loops.


  • [new] Adds SpinlockMutex to lib/util, for more efficient locking when lockouts are rare or extremely short. -- 2021-10-19


  • [fix] Fixes issue with explicit return discards skipping generation of function calls. Previously, _ <- foo() skipped generating the call to foo.


  • [new] Adds RandomExponential, RandomGaussian, and RandomUniform to lib/math for generating random Float values.

  • [new] Adds Realtime.sleepSecondsPrecise function to allow sleeps that are more precise than the kernel's latency.

  • [new] Adds checkGreaterThan and checkLessThan to Testing in lib/testing. -- 2021-08-01

Compiler CLI

  • [breaking] Creates a single shared library per Zeolite module, and uses dynamic linking as the default for binaries and testcases. --fast mode still uses static linking, and static linking can be enabled for a binary using the link_mode: field in .zeolite-module:

    root: "../.."
    path: "your/module"
    private_deps: [
    mode: binary {
      category: YourProgram
      function: run
      link_mode: static
  • [breaking] Eliminates dynamic memory allocation for Bool, Char, Float, and Int, including optional and weak variants. This improves the efficiency of code that makes a lot of function calls using those types.

    Note that when used as variable types, those types already avoided dynamic allocation. This therefore only applies to passing them in function calls, and using them with optional and weak.

    This breaks all existing C++ extensions:

    • S<TypeValue> must be replaced with BoxedValue.
    • Calls to S_get (only for ValueType) must be replaced with calls to the BoxedValue constructor.
    • W<TypeValue> must be replaced with WeakValue.
    • Calls to W_get must be replaced with calls to the WeakValue constructor.
    • Calls to ->AsBool(), ->AsChar(), ->AsFloat(), ->AsInt(), ->AsCharBuffer(), and ->AsString() must now use . instead of ->.
    • Present, Require, and Strong are now in BoxedValue:: instead of in TypeValue::.

    (Running zeolite --templates again will provide the correct type signatures and local argument aliasing.)

  • [breaking] Updates zeolite -c (library mode) and zeolite -m (binary mode) to generate a new .zeolite-module and exit. Previously, both modes would create .zeolite-module and then attempt to compile it. The purpose of this change is to make users more aware that .zeolite-module can/should be edited, rather than attempting to generate a "correct" config entirely from CLI flags.

  • [new] Updates recompile mode (zeolite -r) to reorder modules explicitly specified in the command based on dependencies. For example, in the command zeolite -r foo bar, if foo depends on bar, bar will be compiled first. Previously, modules would be compiled in the order they were specified.

    Note that this will not account for indirect dependencies unless recursive mode (-R) is used. This is because dealing with the intermediate dependency would be ambiguous when not recompiling recursively.

  • [behavior] Even more optimization for function calls using 4 or fewer arguments, returns, or function params.

  • [behavior] Updates the fail built-in to use SIGTERM instead of SIGABRT to terminate the process, to prevent core dumps when fail is used to signal an unhandled error.


  • [breaking] Adds the Bounded @type interface for getting the minBound() and maxBound() of a type, and implements it for Int and Char. (This is breaking because Bounded is now reserved.)

  • [breaking] Makes Char unsigned when converting to Int using asInt(). Previously, the value was signed, i.e., between -128 and 127. This change makes the Int values line up better with hex and oct Char escapes. The conversion from Int to Char (with asChar()) is not affected.

  • [new] Updates param inference (e.g., call<?>(foo)) to handle param filters containing multiple inferred params. Previously, if a function had a filter such as #x requires #y and both #x and #y were inferred, inference would fail because params were inferred one at a time.

  • [new] Adds the timeout field to testcase, to specify the number of seconds to allow each unittest to run. The default is 30, which should be more than enough for most individual tests. The primary purpose of setting a default is to prevent a deadlock or infinite loop from blocking continuous integration (CI) runners.

  • [new] Updates parsing to allow calling functions on value intializers, and Bool, Char, and String literals without needing (). For example, Type{ foo }.bar(), true.asInt(), '0'.asInt(), "abc".defaultOrder(). Int and Float literals still require (); otherwise, the use of . would be ambiguous.


  • [new] Adds ParseChars helper to lib/util, to parse Float and Int from Strings.

  • [new] Adds monoSeconds() to Realtime in lib/util, to get a monotonic wall time in seconds. -- 2021-04-06


  • [breaking] Adds CharBuffer, as a random-access, mutable Char buffer, and makes WriteAt a built-in type. (This is breaking because CharBuffer and WriteAt are now reserved.)

  • [fix] Fixes reduce<String,Container>, which previously failed.

  • [fix] Fixes a race condition in function dispatching that was thought to be fixed previously.

  • [behavior] Improves the memory efficiency of function calls that use 4 or fewer arguments, returns, or function params by reusing memory previously allocated for function calls.


  • [new] Additions to lib/util:

    • [new] Adds Ranges, for simple min/max determinations.

    • [new] Adds revZeroIndexed to Counter, to create a reversed sequence of zero-indexed container indices.

    • [new] Adds Reversed, BySize, and AlwaysEqual comparators, to modify LessThan and Equals behaviors for objects.

    • [new] Adds OrderH and ReadAtH, to extend LessThan and Equals comparisons to simple containers.

  • [new] Additions to lib/container:

    • [new] Adds Sorting, to support sorting of random-access containers.

    • [new] Adds TreeSet, to manage set membership of any sortable type.

    • [new] Adds AutoBinaryTree, to provide binary search tree (BST) functionality to custom containers that need to augment each node with additional data.

    • [new] Implements Container.size() in SearchTree.

    • [new] Adds KeyValueH, to extend LessThan and Equals comparisons to KeyValue.

  • [new] Adds CategoricalTree to lib/math, as a dynamic representation of a categorical distribution over objects of any sortable type. -- 2021-04-02


  • [fix] Fixes a regression where a race condition in function dispatching would cause an error saying that a category does not implement the function that was being called.

  • [behavior] Optimizes calls to @type functions when made from @value functions of the same type.

  • [behavior] Optimizes @value initialization (e.g., Type{ }) when done from @type functions of the same type.


  • [new] Moves Mutex, SimpleMutex, and MutexLock from lib/thread to lib/util. This is because they provide basic concurrency protection to objects that should not need to depend on -lpthread.

    Note that this change is not breaking because lib/util was already a public dependency of lib/thread. In other words, if a module already used lib/thread then it got lib/util for free. This means that modules only needing mutex functionality from lib/thread can instead use lib/util.

  • [new] Adds getForward and getReverse to SearchTree, to allow the caller to iterate after looking up an entry.

  • [new] Adds checkEmpty, checkPresent, and checkOptional to Testing in lib/testing. -- 2021-04-01


  • [breaking] Disallows param filters in @value interface and @type interface. Param filters are only used to allow procedures to call @type and @value functions. Previously, they were enforced in all situations where param substitution occurred, but this is no longer the case. (See further down in this list.)

  • [breaking] Removes support for internal type params for values. This was an obscure feature that was never documented and was only used in some integration tests that had not been touched in over 2 years. This breaks most hand-written C++ extensions, but they can be fixed by removing the ParamTuple argument passed to the base-class constructor in ExtValue_Foo for C++ extension Foo.

  • [breaking] Adds the traverse built-in syntax, which automatically iterates over a container that exposes the (new) Order<|#x> @value interface. (This is breaking because traverse, Order, and DefaultOrder are now reserved.)

    traverse (container.defaultOrder() -> Foo value) {
      // executed once per Foo in the container
  • [breaking] Marks @category member variables as read-only when initializing other member variables. Essentially, this just means that you can no longer do something like this:

    @category Int foo <- 1
    @category Int bar <- (foo <- 2)
  • [new] Removes the requirement that type instances (e.g., Type<Int>) satisfy the requirements of the type's parameter filters when not being used in a function call.

    concrete Type<|#x> {
      #x requires Foo

    In the example above, Type<Bar> was universally disallowed if Bar could not be converted to Foo. The new behavior is to enforce that restriction only when calling @type functions, initializing values (e.g., Type<#x>{ }), and using the type as a param in a function call.

    Since #x is covariant in this example, you could convert a Type<Bar> to a Type<any>, even though any is not a child of Foo.

  • [new] Removes variance checks for category-level param filters. Variance was originally not checked, but then the checks were added prior to version for obscure mathematical reasons that no longer make sense.

    In particular, filters such as #x defines Equals<#x> were not previously allowed except when #x was invariant, but now it is allowed for all variances.

    The revised perspective is that param filters form a meta-type for param substitutions as inputs, with the constructed type as the output. Once the output is received, the input constraints are no longer recoverable.

    Note that category-level param variance is still checked when params are used on the right side of filters for function params. This is because not doing so could result in bad argument and return types when inheriting functions.

    Params also still cannot have both upper and lower bounds at the same time.

  • [new] When inferring type parameters for function calls (e.g., call<?>(foo)), allows all to be a valid lower bound and any to be a valid upper bound. Previously, an inferred type of all in covariant positions and any in contravariant positions would cause inference to fail.

  • [new] Allows $ReadOnly[...]$ and $Hidden[...]$ for member variables in definitions of concrete categories.

  • [new] Makes Argv available to all threads. Previously, it was only available to the main thread. (Even though Argv is exposed via lib/util, this change also affects C++ extensions that use Argv from logging.hpp.)

  • [fix] Fixes regression with function names used in stack traces. Previously, if a function was inherited and the types were not overridden, the category name in the trace would be that of the parent, rather than that of the one defining the procedure.

Compiler CLI

  • [breaking] Removes the default compiler mode when calling zeolite. The previous default was -c, which creates a new .zeolite-module for incremental library compilation. The default was removed because accidentally typing zeolite -f foo instead of zeolite -t foo would overwrite the .zeolite-module for foo rather than running its tests.

  • [breaking] Updates how $TraceCreation$ is implemented in C++. This only breaks hand-written C++ extensions that use the CAPTURE_CREATION macro, which now must pass a string-literal category name as a macro argument, e.g., CAPTURE_CREATION("Foo").

  • [new] Adds the --log-traces option for testing mode (zeolite -t) to capture a record of every line of Zeolite code executed when running tests.

  • [fix] Fixes dependency resolution for C++ extensions that define $ModuleOnly$ categories.

  • [behavior] Improves the efficiency of call dispatching and reduce calls for categories that inherit a lot of interfaces. This is unlikely to affect performance when a category has less than 10 direct or indirect parent interfaces.


  • [new] Adds ThreadCondition to lib/thread, which allows threads to wait for an arbitrary condition signaled by another thread. (Similar to pthread_cond_t in POSIX.)

  • [new] Adds EnumeratedBarrier to lib/thread, which can be use to synchronize a fixed number of threads. (Similar to pthread_barrier_t in POSIX, but with strict validation to help prevent deadlocks.)

  • [new] Adds Realtime to lib/thread, to allow threads to sleep based on wall time.

  • [new] Adds Counter and Repeat to lib/util, to help create sequences for use with the new traverse built-in syntax.

  • [new] Implements forward and reverse iteration to SearchTree in lib/container.


  • Adds example/primes, as a demonstration of multithreading. -- 2021-03-24


  • [breaking] Splits Builder<#x> built-in into Append<#x|> and Build<|#x> to more accurately reflect its semantics.

  • [breaking] Splits ReadPosition<#x> built-in into ReadAt<|#x>, SubSequence, and Container to be more concise, and to split up reading from subsequencing. This also includes renaming readSize() to just size().

  • [new] Adds the Default @type interface, to specify a default @value for the type.

  • [fix] Fixes merging of duplicate inherited categories. Previously, if a category Foo was indirectly inherited multiple times then the compiler would complain about having multiple functions with the same name.

  • [fix] Adds support for ^ with the Bool built-in type.


  • [breaking] Refactors iterators in lib/util:

    • [breaking] Makes ReadIterator a @value interface.

    • [breaking] Adds AutoReadIterator, AutoWriteIterator, and AutoIterator helpers to create iterators from ReadAt and WriteAt. (AutoReadIterator replaces the previous ReadIterator.)

    • [new] Adds WriteAt, WriteCurrent, WriteIterator, and Iterator @value interfaces.

  • [new] Adds lib/container:

    • [new] Vector, a random-access container.

    • [new] SearchTree, a binary search tree.

    • [new] TypeMap, a heterogeneous key-value map of different value types.

    • [new] Various @value interfaces with container usage patterns.

  • [new] Adds lib/thread (must be built manually):

    • [new] ProcessThread, a basic thread runner.

    • [new] SimpleMutex and MutexLock, for basic mutex logic.

    • [new] Various @value interfaces with thread usage patterns.

Compiler CLI

  • [breaking] Removes implicit dependence of C++ extensions on built-in categories Bool, Float, Char, Int, String, and Formatted. Extensions that use these categories without using them in the corresponding concrete declaration will need to add them to the requires: field of the category_source in .zeolite-module.

    category_source {
      source: "Extension_MyType.cpp"
      categories: [MyType]
      requires: [String,Formatted]
  • [breaking] Cleans up TypeInstance caching for C++ extensions with parameters. See lib/container/src/Extension_Vector.cpp for an example of the new semantics, or use --templates to create a new template.


  • Removes example/tree. All of the corresponding code has been moved into lib/container. -- 2021-03-19


  • [breaking] Adds the #self meta-type. This is an implicit type param that is dynamically replaced with the type of the object a function is called on. For example, if a @value interface function has a return type of #self then any implementation must return an object of its own type from that function. (This is a breaking change because it reserves the param name #self.)


  • [breaking] Removes the type parameters from IterateForward and IterateReverse in lib/util. This was made possible by the addition of the #self meta-type. -- 2021-03-17


  • [new] Adds pragmas for local variable rules:

    • [new] $ReadOnly[foo]$ marks foo as read-only in the current context following the line with the pragma.

    • [new] $Hidden[foo]$ hides foo in the current context following the line with the pragma.

  • [fix] Fixes a latent issue with the reduce built-in when converting an intersection type to a union type, when one or both sides contains another nested union or intersection. This was previously fixed for compile-time checks, but reduce was missed.

Compiler CLI

  • [breaking] Streamlines C++ extensions to cut down on boilerplate code. This is a massive change that breaks all existing C++ extensions; however, hand-written procedure definitions can be copied-and-pasted into a new extension template. Use zeolite --templates to regenerate new templates for C++ extensions.

  • [breaking] Adds microlens and microlens-th as dependencies, to help clean up the compiler code. This should not change the compiler's behavior. -- 2020-12-11


  • [breaking] Several more fixes for named returns:

    • [new] Allows initialization of named returns in if/elif/while predicates. Although setting a named return in a predicate has always been allowed, it previously did not count as an initialization for the purposes of checking usage in subsequent statements.

    • [breaking] Fixes a bug where named returns used in if/elif/while predicates inside of cleanup blocks were not getting checked for initialization. This turns a potential runtime error into a compile-time error, which could break buggy code that was never going to be executed.

    • [fix] Fixes a bug where a named return with a primitive type was not getting set in an explicit return statement. This only affected code that used primitive named returns inside of a cleanup block where the corresponding in block used an explicit return statement.

      @type call () -> (Int)
      call () (x) {
        cleanup {
          \ foo(x)     // x was not getting set for this call
        } in return 1  // 1 was still returned from the function as expected

      This did not affect non-primitive types such as String and user-defined concrete and interface categories.

  • [breaking] Updates associativity of infix operators:

    • [breaking] Makes infix Bool operators && and || right-associative. For example, x && y && z used to be parsed as (x && y) && z, whereas now it is parsed as x && (y && z). This better reflects the intuition of side-effects happening in order, with respect to short-circuiting. (No other operators currently short-circuit.)

    • [breaking] Makes comparison operators (e.g., <=) non-associative. This means that expressions such as x < y == true will no longer compile. This is because an equivalent-looking expression true == x < y might have a different interpretation. (Note that order operators such as < are not defined for Bool, so something like x < y < z would have already failed previously.)

    All other infix operators (including infix function calls such as x `Math.pow` y) remain left-associative.


  • [new] Adds Math.abs for Int absolute value to lib/math. -- 2020-12-09

Compiler CLI

  • [breaking] Switches from parsec to megaparsec for parsing, to allow for better structuring of compile-time error messages. This should not affect syntax acceptance, but it has additional transitive dependencies that might prevent installation of zeolite.


  • [breaking] Several cleanup fixes:

    • [fix] Fixes a bug in cleanup that caused the scoped block to be prepended to it when it was inlined in the in block.

    • [fix] Fixes a bug where cleanup might use an uninitialized named return when inlined at a break or continue statement in a while loop. Such situations will now cause a compilation error. Previously, this could have allowed an uninitialized value to be passed around, which would only be noticed with a Function called on null value failure at some point.

    • [fix] Fixes inlining of cleanup blocks when continue is used inside of the in block. Previously, cleanup was skipped when continue was used inside of the respective in block.

    • [breaking] Disallows explicit break and continue inside of cleanup blocks. Previously this was allowed (but return wasn't), which led to ambiguity when the in block contained a return.

    • [new] Allows cleanup to refer to variables created at the top level of the in block.

      cleanup {
        \ foo(bar)                    // bar is created below
      } in Type bar <- Type.create()  // cleanup is inlined after this -- 2020-12-05


  • [breaking] Major changes to .0rt syntax:

    • [breaking] Removes the expression argument from success and crash testcase types. Use one or more unittest (see next point) instead.

    • [new] Adds unittest keyword to allow the user to define multiple tests within a single success testcase.

      testcase "simple tests" {
      unittest checkInvariant1 {
        // this is a regular procedure with no return
      unittest checkInvariant2 {
        // this is a regular procedure with no return

      This allows multiple tests to use the same setup, while still being able to track multiple test failures. error and crash testcase types are still available.

    • [breaking] Allows testcase to statically set Argv (see lib/util) using the args keyword. By default, only the program name is set. Previously, Argv used whatever was passed to the test binary.

      testcase "with static Argv" {
        args "arg1" "arg2"
      unittest test {
        // something that requires

      Note that this isn't a library change; this also affects C++ extensions that use Argv from base/logging.hpp.

    • [new] Adds compiles mode for testcase. This is like success except nothing is executed. (success requires at least one unittest, whereas compiles will not execute anything even if unittest are present.)


  • [new] Adds the lib/testing library with basic helpers for unit tests.

Compiler CLI

  • [new] Updates parsing of .zeolite-module to allow any ordering of the fields. Previously, the fields needed to be in a very specific order.

  • [fix] Adds compile-time protection against self-referential expression macros defined in expression_map: in .zeolite-module. Previously, the result was infinite recursion that could exhaust system resources.

  • [breaking] Adds an error when root/path in .zeolite-module differs from the location of the respective .zeolite-module. This is to catch both typos (e.g., copy-and-paste errors) and ambiguities. -- 2020-11-23

Compiler CLI

  • [breaking] Major changes to C++ extensions:

    • [breaking] Corrects hole in $ModuleOnly$ visibility in C++ extensions. Previously, C++ extensions could directly access categories defined in $ModuleOnly$ sources in dependencies.

    • [breaking] Randomizes cache paths and namespaces for generated C++ code so that C++ extensions cannot use static #include paths to circumvent the visibility rules of a dependency.

    • [breaking] Makes TypeInstances shared in generated C++ and in C++ extensions, to allow for better memory management of @types in the future.

    • [breaking] Adds guards to C++ headers for $TestsOnly$ categories, to prevent them from being used in non-$TestsOnly$ C++ extensions.

  • [fix] Fixes regression where calling zeolite with -p would overwrite an existing .zeolite-module.


  • [breaking] Syntax changes:

    • [breaking] Changes the syntax for calling @category functions from $$ to :, e.g., Foo:create() instead of Foo$$create(). A new error message (to be removed later) will remind the user to stop using $$.

    • [breaking] Changes the syntax for calling @type functions from $ to ., e.g., Foo.create() instead of Foo$create(). A new error message (to be removed later) will remind the user to stop using $.

  • [breaking] Changes to param usage:

    • [breaking] Updates param inference to be more accurate. The new algorithm will infer a param type iff the best choice is unambiguous given the expected and actual function arguments.

    • [breaking] Disallows bounding a single param both above and below, e.g., having both #x requires Foo and #x allows Bar. This is primarily to prevent cycles and contradictions in the type system.

      Previously, the best case for such restrictions was that there are extremely few choices for #x, and the worst case was that it implies Bar converts to Foo when it isn't true, thus making #x unusable. Having either of those requirements likely indicates a design flaw.

  • [breaking] Prohibits having a $TestsOnly$ definition for a non-$TestsOnly$ category. Previously, a concrete category declared in a non-$TestsOnly$ .0rp could be defined in a $TestsOnly$ .0rx, which creates a loophole that allows binaries to utilize $TestsOnly$ code.

  • [fix] Fixes a latent type-checking bug that could occur when attempting to assign a value with an intersection type to a variable with a union type, if one or both types has another nested type, e.g., [A&B][[A&B]|C] or [[A|B]&C][A|B]. This change shouldn't cause new type-checking failures.


  • [fix] Implements subSequence for Argv in lib/util. This is required by ReadPosition but was forgotten. Calling it prior to this would cause a failure. -- 2020-08-07


  • [breaking] Makes the semantics of cleanup more consistent:

    • [breaking] Disallows statements that modify return values within cleanup blocks, i.e., return with values and assigning named returns.

    • [new] Allows cleanup to access named returns that are initialized within the corresponding in statement. Previously, access required initialization before the in statement.

    • [new] An explicit positional return (e.g., return 1, 2) will assign the values to the respective named returns, if applicable. This will make the actual return values available within cleanup.

      @type get () -> (Int)
      get () (foo) {   // foo is the name of the return variable
        cleanup {
          \ bar(foo)   // foo has been initialized by the time this is called
        } in return 1  // 1 is assigned to foo here
    • [fix] Adds unwinding of cleanup blocks when used with break and continue, respecting loop boundaries. Previously, cleanup was ignored.

  • [breaking] Skips compilation of unreachable statements. The target use-case is temporary changes to code that circumvent parts of a procedure, e.g., an early return for the purposes of debugging.

  • [breaking] Marks statements following break and continue as unreachable.

Compiler CLI

  • [behavior] Adds a compiler warning for public_deps that are not required by public .0rp sources within the same module, since they are potentially just cluttering the public namespace of the module. -- 2020-07-13


  • [new] Adds the $SourceContext$ macro, which inserts a String with info about source file and code location.

  • [fix] Adds context to error messages related to inherited functions that have not been overridden. -- 2020-05-21


  • [fix] Improves the likelihood of successful type inference when unions, intersections, or filters are combined with inheritance and type nesting. -- 2020-05-20


  • [fix] Fixes an edge-case where type-inference can be influenced by a param filter for a param with the same name in the scope that is calling the function. (For example, having #x requires Foo in scope while calling a function that also happens to have a param named #x.)

  • [fix] Fixes an edge-case where parameter substitution at the type level can clash with a type parameter scoped to a function. (Related to the above, but actually a separate issue discovered while solving the former.)

  • [behavior] Shows inferred-type assignments in error messages related to expressions containing inferred types. -- 2020-05-19


  • [new] Adds limited inference of type parameters in function calls. The new syntax is call<?,Int>(foo,bar), where ? designates that inference is requested for the first position.

  • [behavior] Reduces the memory cost of $TraceCreation$ by avoiding storing the entire trace text.

Compiler CLI

  • [behavior] Improves handling of I/O errors when calling zeolite, and allows compilation to continue in -r/-R modes if compilation of one module fails. -- 2020-05-14

Compiler CLI

  • [behavior] Improves error messages for type mismatches and return-count mismatches.

  • [behavior] Improves the efficiency of loading metadata for dependencies.

  • [breaking] Fixes module-staleness check when running tests (-t).

  • [breaking] Prevents binaries from being created from main categories that are defined in $TestsOnly$ sources. (This was the original intention, but it was missed the first time around.)


  • [new] Allows @category members in concrete categories to refer to each other during initialization.

  • [new] Adds the $ExprLookup[MACRO_NAME]$ pragma, which allows the user to define expression substitutions in .zeolite-module.

  • [new] Adds the $NoTrace$ pragma, which skips generating stack-trace information for specific functions. This is useful for deeply-recursive functions whose full trace would not be useful.

  • [new] Adds the $TraceCreation$ pragma, which appends a trace for the creation of a value when there is a crash in one of its functions. This is useful when the crash stems from value initialization.

  • [fix] Fixes parsing of the '"' Char-literal.


  • [new] Adds the ErrorOr<#x> category to lib/util. This allows functions to return either the expected type or an error message.

  • [new] Adds the Void category to lib/util. This can be used to ignore type parameters when a value still needs to be instantiated.

  • [new] Adds the readAll function to TextReader (in lib/util) to support reading an entire file at once.

  • [breaking] Adds crashes when attempting to read RawFileReader or write RawFileWriter if there is a preexisting file error. -- 2020-05-12

  • [new] Adds compiler support for pragmas, which will allow compiler features that aren't a part of the language:

    • [new] $ModuleOnly$ pragma for .0rp files, which limits their visibility to the modules that own them.

    • [new] $TestsOnly$ pragma for .0rp files, which limits their visibility to .0rt files, and .0rx files that also use $TestsOnly$.

  • [new] Adds support for global seach paths for dependencies via a plain-text file at $(zeolite --get-path)/global-paths. This can be used to set up a separate directory for general-use Zeolite modules.

  • [breaking] Better handling of symbols from dependencies. This might break code that inavertently relied on broken visibility. In particular, .. in a dependency path precludes it from resolving to a system module. -- 2020-05-05

  • [new] Adds a compiler mode (--show-deps) to display the symbolic dependencies of a module.

  • [new] Adds a compiler mode (--fast) to quickly compile a binary from a single source file without needing to create a module.

  • [new] Adds a compiler mode (-R) to recursively recompile modules.

  • [new] Improves thread-safety of internal code so that thread support can be safely added later. (Probably via a library.)

  • [new] Adds the Builder interface to make String concatenation more efficient.

  • [new] Adds support for basic mathematical Float operations, such as sin, exp, and sqrt.

  • [new] Adds support for bitwise Int operations.

  • [fix] Fixes broken --templates mode when builtin types are used. -- 2020-05-05

  • [new] Allows modules to specify custom linker flags and private include paths in .zeolite-module. This lets categories written in C++ depend on external libraries written in other languages.

  • [behavior] Adds optimization of dependency inclusion for categories that are defined in C++ sources. This should eliminate linking in object files that are not needed by the binary.

  • [behavior] Adds checks to prevent a module from defining a category that was declared in another module.

  • [breaking] Updates the .zeolite-module format to require associating externally-defined categories with the source files that define them. This allows finer-grained linking of binaries and tests. -- 2020-05-03

  • [breaking] Updates syntax for discarding all returns to use \ instead of ~. This will allow ~ to be used for bitwise-not later on. (Not to mention that ~ was kind of ugly in that context.)

  • [breaking] Cleans up multiple-return syntax by removing {}. This applies to both the return and the assignment. -- 2020-05-03

  • [breaking] Requires that concrete categories defined in .cpp files be listed as external in .zeolite-module. This allows the compiler to ensure that all categories have a definition, which helps avoid linker errors.

  • [breaking] Gives .zeolite-module configs a proper file format.

  • [new] Adds version checking to cached module data. -- 2020-05-01

  • [new] Adds support for more versions of GHC. -- 2020-04-28

  • [fix] Fixes a parser issue with empty {} blocks following scoped.

  • [behavior] Updates cleanup procedures to allow setting named-return values. Previously, initializing a named return in cleanup was not sufficient.

  • [behavior] Updates zeolite-setup to unconditionally rebuild supporting libraries. Incidentally, this causes all existing user modules to be out of date. -- 2020-04-27

  • [behavior] Set the default output path for binaries to the module's path rather than the current directory.

  • [new] Allows a base path (-p) with recompile mode (-r). -- 2020-04-27

  • First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.