@hackage wizards0.1

High level, generic library for interrogative user interfaces

wizards is a package designed for the quick and painless development of interrogative programs, which revolve around a "dialogue" with the user, who is asked a series of questions in a sequence much like an installation wizard.

Everything from interactive system scripts, to installation wizards, to full-blown shells can be implemented with the support of wizards.

It is developed transparently on top of a Prompt monad, which separates out the semantics of the program from any particular interface. A variety of backends exist, including System.Console.Wizard.Haskeline and System.Console.Wizard.BasicIO. It is also possible to write your own backends. While both built-in backends operate on a console, there is no reason why wizards cannot also be used for making GUI wizard interfaces.

See the github page for examples on usage:


For creating backends, the module System.Console.Wizard.Internal has a brief tutorial.