Changelog of @hackage/willow

Revision history

Version numbering for 'willow' follows the standard Haskell versioning policy, where the first two numbers together indicate the major version of the package, the third the minor, and the fourth the patch; a fifth number is optional and indicates a revision purely to the documentation and/or packaging.

v/dom/ -- 2021-04-16


  • f/1.1. Decoding and encoding according to the schemes recommended by the HTML5 working groups for compatibility with web content (which occasionally depart from the original descriptions of those encodings)
  • f/2.1.1. (minimal) Just enough of the DOM tree to represent a static HTML document; consider this still a very rough placeholder not suitable for much

Known issues

  • i/9. & i/10. Reading files in certain East Asian encodings with large character pools (Big5, EUC-KR, JIS-0208, etc.) is usually particularly slow