Changelog of @hackage/wild-bind-indicator

Revision history for wild-bind-indicator -- 2021-03-25 -- 2020-12-30

  • MAJOR CHANGE: Now it uses gi-gtk package, instead of gtk package. Although this doesn't change the API of wild-bind-indicator, it changes the prerequisite packages/libraries significantly. Thus we bumped the major version.
  • Now it uses async package to clean-up the WildBind action when the Gtk+ GUI finishes. Probably fixes #4 and #5a.
  • Confirm build with containers- -- 2018-01-01

  • Modify constraints of withNumPadIndicator, wildBindWithIndicator, bindingHook functions.
  • Add adaptIndicator, toggleBinding functions. -- 2016-09-22

  • First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.