@hackage type-map0.1.3.0

Type-indexed maps

Maps where keys are types and values can have types depending on their keys.

  • Data.TypeMap.Dynamic: Simple maps using the Typeable mechanism, tracking keys at run time. Data.TypeMap.Dynamic.Alt is an alternative API based on type applications rather than passing proxies, available from GHC 8.0.1. See also typerep-map, with a similar interface and better performance.

  • Data.TypeMap.Vector: Only available from GHC 8.0.1. Maps whose domains are given in their types for compile-time verification and fast indexing.

  • Two more variants with the same API: Data.TypeMap.List uses lists and Data.TypeMap.Map uses maps (from containers), trading indexing speed for more efficient creation and modification. Data.TypeMap.Static exports some operations on type lists.