Changelog of @hackage/tuple-append

tuple-append changelog

For a full list of changes, see the history on GitHub.


Convert the module to UnicodeSyntax, and add a section about the laziness of (<++), (+++) and (++>).


If the base package is at least base-, it also implements TupleAddL, TupleAddR and TupleAppend for the NonEmpty data type of the Data.List.NonEmpty module.


A first intial version that allows constructing arbitrary prepend and append functions and typeclass instances. Instances for TupleAddL and TupleAddR are defined to construct tuples with a length up to 62, and it is possible to construct any tuple by appending tuples for a size up to 19. Template Haskell and quasiquoters are avaiable to construct functions to prepend and append tuples for both boxed and unboxed tuples.