@hackage truelevel0.1.1

Audio file compressor-limiter

truelevel -- audio file compresor / limiter version 0.1 Bart Massey bart@cs.pdx.edu 8 March 2008

This program is a simple command-line compressor / limiter for WAVE format audio files. There is precious little documentation at this point; that needs to be fixed soon.

I have used this code with ghc 6.6 and ghc 6.8 on Linux, although the current cabal setup has only been tested with cabal 1.2 and ghc 6.8. Other than the lack of documentation, it is a fairly standard Hackage-ready package, to the extent I know how to construct such.

I'm not really working on this Haskell code any longer; I rewrote it in Java for a project I'm working on. However, I think it's a nice demo app for my WAVE library.

Have fun with it, and let me know if there are problems.