Changelog of @hackage/toml-parser

Revision history for toml-parser

  • Added ToValue UTCTime and FromValue UTCTime. These correspond to offset data-times with the timezone translated to UTC.

  • Pervasive annotations on the values added to allow for detailed positional error reporting throughout parsing and validation.
  • Replace uses of String with Text in the Value type and throughout the API
  • Reorganized almost all of the modules to minimize imports that upstream packages will actually need.

  • Added IsString Value instance.
  • Addded helpers for runMatcher for ignoring and failing on warning runMatcherIgnoreWarn and runMatcherFatalWarn

  • Added Toml.Generic to make instances easily derivable via DerivingVia.
  • Added GHC.Generics support for switching between product types and TOML arrays.

  • Bugfix: Previous fix admitted some invalid inline tables - these are now rejected

  • Bugfix: In some cases overlapping keys in inline tables could throw an exception instead instead of returning the proper semantic error value.

  • Ensure years are rendered zero-padded

  • Added Toml.Semantics.Ordered for preserving input TOML orderings
  • Added support for pretty-printing multi-line strings -- 2023-07-16

  • Make more structured error messages available in the low-level modules. Consumers of the Toml module can keep getting simple error strings and users interested in structured errors can run the different layers independently to get more detailed error reporting.
  • FromValue and ToValue instances for: Ratio, NonEmpty, Seq
  • Add FromKey and ToKey for allowing codecs for Map to use various key types. -- 2023-07-12

  • Added Toml.Pretty.prettyTomlOrdered to allow user-specified section ordering.
  • Added FromValue and ToValue instances for Text
  • Added reqKeyOf and optKeyOf for easier custom matching without FromValue instances. -- 2023-07-09

  • Remove FromTable class. This class existed for things that could be matched specifically from tables, which is what the top-level values always are. However FromValue already handles this, and both classes can fail, so having the extra level of checking doesn't avoid failure. It does, however, create a lot of noise generating instances. Note that ToTable continues to exist because toTable isn't allowed to fail, and when serializing to TOML syntax you can only serialize top-level tables.

  • Extracted Toml.FromValue.Matcher and Toml.FromValue.ParseTable into their own modules.

  • Add pickKey, liftMatcher, inKey, inIndex, parseTableFromValue to Toml.FromValue

  • Replace genericFromTable with genericParseTable. The intended way to derive a FromValue instance is now to write:

    instance FromValue T where fromValue = parseTableFromValue genericParseTable -- 2023-07-03

  • Add support for GHC 8.10.7 and 9.0.2 -- 2023-07-03

  • Add Toml.FromValue.Generic and Toml.ToValue.Generic
  • Add Alternative instance to Matcher and support multiple error messages in Result
  • Add Data and Generic instances for Value -- 2023-07-01

  • Add ToTable and ToValue instances for Map
  • Refine error messages
  • More test coverage -- 2023-06-29

  • Complete rewrite including 1.0.0 compliance and pretty-printing. -- 2017-05-04

  • First version.