Changelog of @hackage/toml-parser

Revision history for toml-parser -- 2023-07-12

  • Added Toml.Pretty.prettyTomlOrdered to allow user-specified section ordering.
  • Added FromValue and ToValue instances for Text
  • Added reqKeyOf and optKeyOf for easier custom matching without FromValue instances. -- 2023-07-09

  • Remove FromTable class. This class existed for things that could be matched specifically from tables, which is what the top-level values always are. However FromValue already handles this, and both classes can fail, so having the extra level of checking doesn't avoid failure. It does, however, create a lot of noise generating instances. Note that ToTable continues to exist because toTable isn't allowed to fail, and when serializing to TOML syntax you can only serialize top-level tables.

  • Extracted Toml.FromValue.Matcher and Toml.FromValue.ParseTable into their own modules.

  • Add pickKey, liftMatcher, inKey, inIndex, parseTableFromValue to Toml.FromValue

  • Replace genericFromTable with genericParseTable. The intended way to derive a FromValue instance is now to write:

    instance FromValue T where fromValue = parseTableFromValue genericParseTable -- 2023-07-03

  • Add support for GHC 8.10.7 and 9.0.2 -- 2023-07-03

  • Add Toml.FromValue.Generic and Toml.ToValue.Generic
  • Add Alternative instance to Matcher and support multiple error messages in Result
  • Add Data and Generic instances for Value -- 2023-07-01

  • Add ToTable and ToValue instances for Map
  • Refine error messages
  • More test coverage -- 2023-06-29

  • Complete rewrite including 1.0.0 compliance and pretty-printing. -- 2017-05-04

  • First version.