@hackage thrist0.3.0.1

Type-threaded list

Thrist is a list-like data structure (GADT) whose elements are values of a two-parameter datatype. The typing constraint ensures that the second type parameter of a former value unifies with the first type parameter of the latter.

This threading of types is the foundation for thrists' nice properties. E.g., paired with a suitable semantics, function composition (.) can be embedded.

Sub-modules demonstrate the power of the thrist idea by emulating some familiar data structures.

For further ideas, please consult the companion (draft) paper "Thrists: Dominoes of Data" at http://omega.googlecode.com/files/Thrist-draft-2011-11-20.pdf

Release history:

Support for (GHC v7.6.1) PolyKinds extension, this compiler is required now
Several new functions introduced, some renamed
Initial version
  • Installation

  • Dependencies (0)

  • Dependents (0)