@hackage tdigest-Chart0

Chart generation from tdigest


A Chart plotting of tdigest


These are outputs of the test-suite

inkscape --export-png=example1.png --export-dpi=80 --export-background-opacity=0 --without-gui example1.svg
inkscape --export-png=example2.png --export-dpi=80 --export-background-opacity=0 --without-gui example2.svg

Standard normal distribution

Chart.layout_title Chart..= "Normal distribution"
Chart.plot $ do
    p <- Chart.tdigestPlot "tdigest" td
    return $ Chart.tdigestToPlot $ p
        & Chart.plot_tdigest_normalize .~ True
        & Chart.plot_tdigest_deviations .~ Just 3

Example 1

Chi-squared distribution, k = 5

Chart.layout_title Chart..= "Chi-squared distribution, k = 5"
Chart.plot $ do
    p <- Chart.tdigestPlot "tdigest" td
    return $ Chart.tdigestToPlot $ p
        & Chart.plot_tdigest_normalize .~ True
        & Chart.plot_tdigest_quantiles .~ [0.5, 0.9, 0.999]

Example 2