@hackage syncthing-hs0.2.0.0

Haskell bindings for the Syncthing REST API


Hackage Build Status

Haskell bindings for the Syncthing REST API.


A short tutorial is available at: [http://jetho.org/posts/2015-03-07-syncthing-hs-tutorial.html](http://jetho.org/posts/2015-03-07-syncthing-hs-tutorial.html)


cabal update
cabal install syncthing-hs

Usage Example

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Control.Lens ((&), (.~), (?~))
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import qualified Network.Wreq as Wreq
import Network.Syncthing
import qualified Network.Syncthing.Get as Get

-- A single Syncthing request.
single = syncthing defaultConfig Get.ping

-- Connection sharing for multiple Syncthing requests.
multiple1 = withManager $ \cfg ->
    syncthing cfg $ do
        p <- Get.ping
        v <- Get.version
        return (p, v)

-- Multiple Syncthing requests with connection sharing and customized configuration.
multiple2 = withManager $ \cfg -> do
    let cfg' = cfg & pServer .~ ""
                   & pHttps  .~ True
                   & pAuth   ?~ Wreq.basicAuth "user" "pass"
    syncthing cfg' $ liftM2 (,) Get.ping Get.version