@hackage superdoc0.1.2.6

Additional documentation markup and Unicode support

This package extends Cabal's documentation building capabilities. It extends the Haddock markup language with syntax for subscripts, superscripts, bold text, non-breaking spaces, and images. Moreover, it works around various bugs in Haddock's and HsColour's Unicode support, making it possible to use UTF8 encodings in both source code and documentation comments.

This package is designed to work transparently. It provides a custom main function that package maintainers can use in their Setup.hs file. In most cases, this is as simple as setting the build-type to Custom, adding superdoc to the package dependencies, and putting the following two lines into Setup.hs:

import Distribution.Superdoc
main = superdocMain

For more information on the available markup, see Distribution.Superdoc.

  • Installation


  • Dependencies (0)

  • Dependents (0)