Changelog of @hackage/streamly-fsnotify 2.0

Revision history for streamly-fsnotify

2.0 -- 2023-12-29

With Streamly also making major breaking changes, this seemed like the time for a radical overhaul (we needed to move to the new stream type at some point, and that would break everything anyway). Essentially, having taken over this package nearly four years ago, and used it extensively, I've decided that it was unnecessarily complex. The line count is now much shorter, but the interesting stuff is still here. In particular:

  • The predicate algebra, while somewhat neat, didn't really seem to belong in a file-watching library.
  • Trying to fully abstract over fsnotify was annoying in practice, both as a maintainer and a user. We now use fsnotify's Event type directly. This makes interoperability a lot easier. And it means we won't need to make any major changes here for future changes in fsnotify, like converting to OsPath.

We do some new clever stuff as well, like stopping the file watcher automatically at the end of the stream.

It is possible that we've gone too far. If there's anything you really miss from version 1, please mention it on the issue tracker! -- 2020-05-27

  • Export additional EventPredicates. -- 2020-05-27

  • Use abstract newtype for StopWatching.
  • Remove typed filepaths. Power-to-weight ratio was too low. -- 2020-05-27

  • George Thomas takes over as maintainer. Metadata changes. -- 2019-12-09

  • Widen bounds on time to support Windows build. -- 2019-12-06

  • First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.