@hackage stocks0.2.0.0

Library for the IEX Trading API


Haskell library for the IEX trading API.


stack build && stack ghci

> getCompany "aapl"

Just (Company {symbol = "AAPL",
               companyName = "Apple Inc.",
               exchange = "Nasdaq Global Select",
               industry = "Computer Hardware",
               website = "http://www.apple.com",
               description = "Apple Inc is designs ...",
               ceo = "Timothy D. Cook",
               issueType = "cs",
               sector = "Technology"})

> getPrice "dps"

Just 120.36

Please see the HUnit test for a complete example of all API calls.

How to run test suite

stack test


For any problems, comments, or feedback please create an issue here on GitHub.


If you redistribute our API data: