@hackage spoty0.1.0.1

Spotify web API wrapper

Web API https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/ wrapper powered by lens and pipes, allowing easy access to public endpoints. Does not have any external dependencies nor requirements regarding app registration.

  • Paging is handled transparently using pipes

  • All data types are navigated using lenses

All public endpoints, with multi-get versions excluded, are implemented.

> :set -XOverloadedStrings
> :m +Control.Lens Utils.Spoty
> Just artist <- fetchOne (searchArtist "avicii")      -- assume at least one match
> popular <- getArtistTop (view spotifyID artist) "SE" -- retrieve the most popular tracks in Sweden
> mapM_ (print . view name) popular                    -- print the corresponding names
"Hey Brother"
"Addicted To You"
"Wake Me Up"

Please read the README for details.