Changelog of @hackage/spectacle 1.0.0


Extensible Records

  • 'RecT' renamed to 'RecF' to avoid colliding with the naming scheme generally reserved for monad transformers. Record constructor names reflect this change.

  • The "rec" suffix removed from the functions 'setRecF', 'getRecF', 'getRec', and 'setRec' renamed to prefer the less noise 'setF', getF', 'set', and 'get'.

  • The selector constraint (.|) and (#) type synonym replaced with 'Has' constraint for readiblity.

    -- previously 
    type HasFooInt ctx = "foo" # Int .| ctx 
    -- ... is now 
    type HasFootInt ctx = Has "foo" Int ctx
  • A new type 'Evident' and class 'HasDict' now give a uniform way for capturing typeclass evidence of extensible records.

  • 'Rec' and 'RecT' instance declaration are no longer defined for the base case and inductive case. Instead, extensible record instances pass the responsibility witnessing a dictionary to a 'HasDict' superclass.

    -- old version
    instance Show (Rec '[]) where 
      show RNil = ...
    instance (Show x, Show xs) => Show (Rec (x ': xs)) where 
      show RNil = ...
    -- new version
    instance HasDict Show ctx => Show (Rec ctx) where
      show Nil = ... 
      show Con {} = ...