@hackage snowtify0.1.0.2

snowtify send your result of `stack build` (`stack test`) to notify-daemon :dog2:

β›„ hs-snowtify β›„

snowtify send your result of stack build (stack test) to notify-daemon πŸ•


🎢 Usage 🎢

$ snowtify test
(`stack test` results is shown, it is like above screenshot)
$ snowtify build
(same as snowtify test, but stack build is executed)
$ snowtify
(same as snowtify build, snowtify run build by default)

πŸ’ͺ Example πŸ’ͺ

$ dunst &
(dunst is a notify-daemon)
$ cd <some haskell project directory>
$ watchexec -w . 'snowtify test'
(`stack test` results is shown after you update some file)

♦️ How to install this ? ♦️

  • This way is never supported now 1. Use haskell-stack
$ stack install snowtify
    1. Use cabal
$ cabal install snowtify