@hackage smsaero0.5

SMSAero API and HTTP client based on servant library.


Hackage Build Status

SMSAero API and HTTP client based on servant library.


Library documentation is available on Hackage.

The original SMSAero API documentation (in Russian) is available here.

API documentation in English can be generated using pandoc:

$ stack exec pandoc --filter=docs/api-filter.hs -o docs/api.md api-intro.md

Note that you can generate this documentation in any format that pandoc supports (e.g. HTML, LaTeX, Markdown, etc.).


Import SMSAero and Control.Monad.Trans.Either module to interact with SMSAero:

>>> :s -XOverloadedStrings
>>> import SMSAero
>>> import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
>>> let credentials = SMSAeroAuth "user@example.com" "md5-password-hash"
>>> runEitherT $ smsAeroBalance credentials
Right (ResponseOK (BalanceResponse 10.0))


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