@hackage silently1.2.5.2

Prevent or capture writing to stdout and other handles.

Hackage version silently on Stackage Nightly Stackage LTS version Cabal build


Silently is a package that allows you to run an IO action and prevent it from writing to stdout, or any other handle, by using silence. Or you can capture the output for yourself using capture.

For example, the program

 import System.IO.Silently

 main = do
   putStr "putStrLn: " >> putStrLn "puppies!"
   putStr "silenced: " >> silence (putStrLn "kittens!")
   putStrLn ""
   (captured, result) <- capture (putStr "wookies!" >> return 123)
   putStr "captured: " >> putStrLn captured
   putStr "returned: " >> putStrLn (show result)

will print:

 putStrLn: puppies!
 captured: wookies!
 returned: 123