@hackage reflex-test-host0.1.2.0

reflex host methods for testing without external events


This library contains functionality for writing unit tests for the "model" portion of your reflex-frp apps. Please see test/Reflex/Test/App.hs for basic usage example. You can find more usage examples in this project and this one.

Note that TriggerEvent class constraint is not supported. It could be added with some effort but breaks the "pureness" of the test (at least from its inputs) so I don't suggest it. You can still test parts of your network that don't require TriggerEvent.

This library is modified from test/Test/Run.hs in the reflex main repository. I'll deprecate this module if the functionality is ever moved into an exposed module which I think it should be.

PRs are welcome. Perhaps you have some ideas to make the interface more useable.