@hackage reflex-dom-retractable0.1.4.0

Routing and retractable back button for reflex-dom

Small library that implements "back" button feature for reflex-dom widgets. The core idea of the library is to have reusable widget that maintains history of switches and is decoupled from actual implementation of switching widgets.

The library doesn't use platform specific parts like connection to Android system back button or browser back button, but provides functions to bind them into your retractable frontend.

Example of usage:

import Control.Monad
import Reflex.Dom
import Reflex.Dom.Retractable

main :: IO ()
main = mainWidget $ runRetract frontend

frontend :: (MonadWidget t m, MonadRetract t m) => m ()
frontend = void $ retractStack $ pageA 42

pageA :: (MonadWidget t m, MonadRetract t m) => Int -> m ()
pageA n = do
   e <- button "Go page B"
   void $ nextWidget $ ffor e $ const Retractable {
       retractableNext = pageB $ n + 1
     , retractablePrev = Just $ pure $ pageA n

pageB :: (MonadWidget t m, MonadRetract t m) => Int -> m ()
pageB n = do
  e <- button "Go page A"
  void $ nextWidget $ ffor e $ const  Retractable {
       retractableNext = pageA $ n + 1
     , retractablePrev = Just $ pure $ pageB n