@hackage recursion-schemes-ext0.2.1.0

Amateur addenda to recursion-schemes


This adds several functions to recursion-schemes, including a cataM.


Monadic Functions

This package provides cataM, anaM, and hyloM. That means you can have (co)algebras that return a monadic value.

Dendromorphisms etc.

Let's say you want to collapse a syntax tree. Suppose further that it's a relatively involved syntax tree, and you have some data types that encapsulate others. Here's a simple-minded example, where we collapse using traditional recursion schemes:

-- | We call our co-dependent data types 'Ernie' and 'Bert'. They represent mutually recursive
data Bert = Bert Ernie
          | Num Integer
          | String String
          | Add Bert Bert

data Ernie = Ernie Bert
           | Multiply Ernie Ernie
           | List [Ernie]

makeBaseFunctor ''Ernie
makeBaseFunctor ''Bert

collapseErnieSyntaxTree :: (Recursive Ernie) => Ernie -> Ernie
collapseErnieSyntaxTree = cata algebra
    where algebra (ErnieF e)                                  = Ernie $ collapseBertSyntaxTree' e
          algebra (MultiplyF (Ernie (Num i)) (Ernie (Num j))) = Ernie . Num $ i * j
          algebra x                                           = embed x

collapseBertSyntaxTree :: (Recursive Bert) => Bert -> Bert
collapseBertSyntaxTree = cata algebra
    where algebra (BertF e)              = Bert $ collapseErnieSyntaxTree' e
          algebra (AddF (Num i) (Num j)) = Num $ i + j
          algebra x                      = embed x

Contrast this to the solution using a dendromorphism, viz.

-- | We call our co-dependent data types 'Ernie' and 'Bert'. They represent mutually recursive
data Bert = Bert Ernie
          | Num Integer
          | String String
          | Add Bert Bert

data Ernie = Ernie Bert
           | Multiply Ernie Ernie
           | List [Ernie]

makeBaseFunctor ''Ernie
makeBaseFunctor ''Bert

bertLens :: Lens' Bert Bert
bertLens = ...

ernieLens :: Lens' Ernie Ernie
ernieLens = ...

bertAlgebra :: BertF Bert -> Bert
bertAlgebra (AddF (Num i) (Num j)) = Num $ i + j
bertAlgebra x                      = embed x

ernieAlgebra :: ErnieF Ernie -> Ernie
ernieAlgebra (MultiplyF (Ernie (Num i)) (Ernie (Num j))) = Ernie . Num $ i * j
ernieAlgebra x                                           = embed x

collapseErnieSyntaxTree :: (Recursive Ernie) => Ernie -> Ernie
collapseErnieSyntaxTree = dendro (dummy :: Bert) ernieLens bertAlgebra ernieAlgebra

collapseBertSyntaxTree :: (Recursive Bert) => Bert -> Bert
collapseBertSyntaxTree = dendro (dummy :: Ernie) bertLens ernieAlgebra bertAlgebra


This library is experimental! The API of dendromorphisms and chemamorphisms in particular is subject to change.