@hackage portray-prettyprinter0.2.0

Portray backend for prettyprinter

This provides a prettyprinter backend for portray along with derivable Pretty instances for types with Portray instances.

This started out as a fork of portray-pretty, and is still very similar. However, prettyprinter gives more flexibility to documents at the cost of requiring more behavior to be specified explicitly. As such, some formats are nicer with the prettyprinter backend, configurable syntax highlighting is supported, and unicode escaping is configurable. However, this backend is less mature and hasn't been used as much in practice, so there are likely more formatting bugs than in portray-pretty. Please do file bugs on the GitHub issue tracker if you find anything that seems obviously wrong!

Try using pp as the print function in GHCi: :set -interactive-print=Data.Portray.Prettyprinter.pp!