@hackage pipes-ordered-zip1.1.0

merge two ordered Producers into a new Producer


A function to tie together two sorted Haskell Iterators (Producers from the pipes library).


import Pipes (runEffect, (>->), each)
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
import Pipes.OrderedZip (orderedZip)

main = do
    let a = each [1,3,4,6,8] -- has to be ordered
        b = each [2,3,4,5,8] -- has to be ordered
    let mergedProd = orderedZip compare a b
    _ <- runEffect $ mergedProd >-> P.print
    return ()


(Just 1,Nothing)
(Nothing,Just 2)
(Just 3,Just 3)
(Just 4,Just 4)
(Nothing,Just 5)
(Just 6,Nothing)
(Just 8,Just 8)