@hackage pdfname0.1.1

Name a PDF file using information from the pdfinfo command

pdfname Hackage version


Name a PDF file using information (author, year of creation and title) from the pdfinfo program.



The program can installed with the following commands:

$ cabal update
$ cabal install pdfname


Just run pdfname on your PDF file.

How is the file name chosen?

Given the author, year of creation and title information extracted from the pdfinfo program (fields Author, CreationDate and Title, respectively) the name of the PDF file will be


where author and title are the strings obtained after making certain substitutions (e.g. remove whitespace, translate non-ASCCI characters and remove TeX/LaTeX specific information) to the information shown by the pdfinfo program.

Example. Let's suppose that running pdfinfo on the file foo.pdf shows the following (fictional and incomplete) information:

$ pdfinfo foo.pdf
Title:          Introducction to the <TEX>$\lambda$</TEX>-Calculus
Author:         Per Martin-Löf
CreationDate:   Fri Apr  9 07:14:01 2010

Now, running pdfname on that file will create the new file
