Changelog of @hackage/path-io 1.5.0

Path IO 1.5.0

  • Dropped support for GHC 8.0 and older.
  • Added new functions: getXdgDirList, createFileLink, createDirLink, removeDirLink, getSymlinkTarget.

Path IO 1.4.2

  • Fixed various bugs in listDirRecurRel, walkDirRel, and walkDirAccumRel and clarified their behavior in the docs.

Path IO 1.4.1

  • Fixed a bug in walkDirRel that resulted in NotAProperPrefix exception every time the function was called.

Path IO 1.4.0

  • Added relative versions of some actions: listDirRel, listDirRecurRel, walkDirRel, and walkDirAccumRel.

  • Dropped support for GHC 7.8.

Path IO 1.3.3

  • (Hopefully) fixed test suite failure with Cabal 2.0 and GHC 8.2.1.

Path IO 1.3.2

  • Reduce a number of (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) constraints to just MonadIO m #27

Path IO 1.3.1

  • Made listDirRecur faster for deep directory trees.

Path IO 1.3.0

  • Change the default behavior of recursive traversal APIs to not follow symbolic links. The change affects the following functions: listDirRecur, copyDirRecur, and copyDirRecur'.

  • Add isSymlink which allows to test whether a path is a symbolic link.

  • Move the type functions AbsPath and RelPath to the AnyPath type class (previously they were standalone closed type families, now they are associated types of AnyPath).

  • Improved the documentation and metadata.

Path IO 1.2.3

  • Allowed time-1.7.

Path IO 1.2.2

  • Fixed a bug in setModificationTime function that previously called setAccessTime instead of setModificationTime from directory.

  • Added notes to all pieces of API that are conditional (some functions are only available if directory- or later is used, now it's mentioned for every such function explicitely).

Path IO 1.2.1

  • Allowed directory-

  • Added getXdgDir. Only available of directory- or later is used.

  • Various cosmetic improvements.

Path IO 1.2.0

  • Added walkDir function to traverse a directory tree with a handler.

  • Added walkDirAccum function which is like walkDir but also accepts an output writer and returns the accumulated output.

  • All recursive traversal functions (existing and new) now safely handle directory loops due to symbolic or hard links.

  • Added “since” notes to public functions in API.

Path IO 1.1.0

  • Fixed bug in copyDirRecur when it was unable to fully copy read-only directories.

  • Added copyDirRecur' function that works just like copyDirRecur, but does not preserve directory permissions.

Path IO 1.0.1

  • Fixed bug in copyDirRecur for non-existing destination paths when directory to copy does not contain sub-directories.

  • Made copyDirRecur try to copy permissions for destination directory too (previously it only tried to copy them for sub-directories).

Path IO 1.0.0

  • Changed signature of getAppUserDataDir, so it takes String as the first argument.

  • Removed deprecated forgivingAbsence' function.

  • Made findFile lazier, it stops searching as soon as a file is found.

  • Added some tests.

Path IO 0.3.1

  • Introduced synonym for forgivingAbsence'ignoringAbsence. forgivingAbsence' is deprecated now, but it's still there.

  • Added a handy shortcut ensureDir that is defined as ensureDir = createDirIfMissing True.

  • Made getHomeDir and getTempDir more robust when they are influenced by values of environment variables.

Path IO 0.3.0

  • Added forgivingAbsence, resolveFile, and resolveDir functions, so the package now provides all functionality that Path.IO module in Stack has.

  • Added closed type family RelPath, makeRelative, and makeRelativeToCurrentDir functions.

  • Fixed signature of getAppUserDataDir.

Path IO 0.2.0

  • Added functions from temporary: withTempFile, withTempDir, withSystemTempFile, withSystemTempDir, openTempFile, openBinaryTempFile, and createTempDir. temporary is a lightweight and ubiquitous package, so depending on it should be OK.

Path IO 0.1.1

  • Fixed type signatures of renameFile and copyFile.

Path IO 0.1.0

  • Initial release.