Changelog of @hackage/parsley-core

Revision history for parsley-core -- 2021-06-12

  • First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.
  • Core factored out of the main parsley package -- 2021-06-26

  • Introduced Lam to the API and conversion functions for Core.Defunc
  • Extra type ascriptions added to generated code -- 2021-06-27

  • Added input factoring to try p <|> q and also forms with f <$> try p <|> q and try p $> x <|> q -- 2021-07-01

  • Switched both backends to make use of Lam instead of Core.Defunc, reducing burden on GHC
  • Added duplication avoidance optimisation when value to be duplicated is Lam.Var True -- 2021-07-01

  • For GHC 8.10+, leveraged the static structure of functions:
    • Handlers are now static functions, reducing the beta-reduction required by GHC, fatal now generates better code
    • Return continuations are also static functions, reducing beta-reduction required by GHC, halt generates better code
    • Recursive calls are also static functions, removing a lot of junk with the conversion from iterators to recursion
  • Registers are now bound once for recursive parsers, which close over their free-registers
  • Strictness has been updated to reflect the reduced burden on GHC to optimise: now strictness is for performance, and not to coax GHC to optimise at the cost of performance
  • Removed the "bad" binding for Sat, handlers are always bound on creation, so the binding is basically meaningless
  • Performance on 8.10+ is anywhere from 10-20% faster than -- 2021-07-03

  • Added Jump-Elision optimisation to the code generator. -- 2021-07-03

  • Improved the Lam reduction algorithm
  • Preliminary support for if true reduction from item and const True
  • Introduced _if and ap in Machine.Defunc, removed genDefunc1 -- 2021-07-22

NOTE: The API exposed to parsley has changed, however, the changed types match up and the underlying types are not exposed. This means that parsley cannot write the type down to begin with, so the API change does not actually result in any backward incompatiblity unless the Parsley.Internal.* modules are imported: this meets requirements for internal major change.

  • Removed an unsafeCoerce from register creation, using more existentials.
  • Changed CharList's more check to test for [] and not length (faster!)
  • Added static information to offset in the machine
  • Leveraged static information to refine handlers at compile time, offering up to 20% performance improvement
  • Code restructuring and refactoring
  • Added copious amounts of documentation -- 2021-08-12

Infrastructure for improved handler analysis:

  • Refactored LetBinding to include more generic metadata.
  • Added metadata to StaSubroutine and introduced StaSubroutine# and associated functions.
  • Fed metadata through letRec's genBinding and into buildRec.
  • Added an Amount to Offset, which also takes into account a multiplicity, used to track unknown but non-zero quantities.
  • Added callCC and modified the API for suspend to allow for abstracted Offset creation. The callCC operation promises to utilise static input consumption from the subroutine to refine the input to the return continuation (making use of the multiplicity above).
  • Refactored the CombinatorAnalyser into an Analysis.Cut module (and moved Dependencies there too)
  • Refactored the InstructionAnalyser into an Analysis.Coins and Analysis.Relevancy modules
  • More documentation

Input Reclamation:

  • Added Machine.Types.Coins, which separates coins for length checks from input reclamation.
  • Analysis.Coins now deals wiith the Coins type, as do the instructions.
  • Added Common.RewindQueue to handle rewindable input caching.
  • Added Common.QueueLike to abstract both queue's common operations.
  • Moved the implementation of Queue into a Queue.Impl submodule, for RewindQueue and testing.
  • Added GiveBursary instruction to implement a variant of RefundCoins.
  • Added PrefetchChar instruction for future prefetching on branches.
  • Added canAfford to Context and removed the broken liquidate.
  • Improved the input factoring for join points.


  • Removed the unneeded genDefuncX operations in Core.Defunc, and ap, hid others.
  • Added type to next in CharList.
  • Added auxilliary information parameter to sat.
  • Added fetch and broke it out of sat. -- 2021-08-13

Fix for issue #27

  • Added BlockCoins instruction and CutImmune node.
  • Changed how cut compliance is determined, and stopped some incorrect factoring.
  • Removed unneeded flags for analysis. -- 2021-10-28

  • Added fields to the handlers to signify if they should generate a binding or not.
  • Added two Inliner modules to handle inlining in front- and back-ends.
  • Removed field from Let which contains the body, it was a wart.
  • Refactored the internal representation of static handlers, making them more uniform.
  • Added basic eta-reduction capabilities to the low-level generators: this can be improved and expanded!
  • Renamed buildIterAlways and buildIterSame to bindIterAlways and bindIterSame.
  • Renamed StaHandler to AugmentedStaHandler. -- 2021-10-29

  • Moved parse into core API, this will reduce the area of incompatibility.
  • Added loop combinator. -- 2021-10-30

  • Improved eta-reduction to handle multiple arguments.
  • Added eta-reduction to constructed return continutations. -- 2021-10-31

  • Added reclaimable to backend analysis, this allows lookAhead to calculate reclaim ignoring BlockCoins
  • Fixed small bug in coin analysis that meant that lookAhead always contributes 0 coins (min 0 vs max 0). -- 2021-11-13

  • Reversed order of arguments on Subroutine#, offset comes last.
  • Added Pos type, and threaded it through
  • Added Input o and Input# o, which package an Offset o or Code (Rep o) with Pos information.
  • Added cabal flag to control the packed or unpacked representation of positions
  • Added PosSelector
  • Added line and col to primitives and Position to Combinator AST, as well as SelectPos to instructions.
  • Changed OFFSET to INPUT in Defunc -- 2021-11-24

  • Removed compile, eval, codeGen from the API.
  • Removed chainPre and chainPost from the API.
  • Added Typeable constraint to LIFTED.
  • Removed lamTermBool and userBool from the API: Typeable subsumes them.
  • Added RANGES to the Defunc API. -- 2022-01-12

  • Added RangeSet datastructure.
  • Added Pos module for static manipulation of position information.
  • Added CharPred as a specialised defunctionalisation of Char -> Bool functions.
  • Moved InputCharacteristic to its own module.
  • Use CharPred for Sat and Satisfy.
  • Simplified the interface for Ops.sat.
  • Simplified buildYesHandler and allowed it to capture a statically annotated offset.
  • Introduced buildIterYesHandler which can capture static offet.
  • Changed types of bindSameHandler and bindIterSame.
  • Added StaYesHandler type to Ops.
  • Renamed updatePos to updatePosQ.
  • Added many methods for manipulating positions to PosOps.
  • Made initPos fully static.
  • Changed the type of readChar.
  • Hid some internals of Input.
  • Exposed some new methods for Input.
  • Added INPUT to 8.6+ backend for Defunc.
  • Added a poke method to QueueLike.
  • Added a charPred converter to Defunc.