@hackage pandoc-citeproc0.12.2.4

Supports using pandoc with citeproc

  • Deprecated

  • Tested Compilers

  • Dependencies (28)

  • Dependents (2)

    @hackage/BlogLiterately, @hackage/hakyll
  • Package Flags

       (on by default)

      Use Chris Putnam's Bibutils.

       (off by default)

      Embed locale files into the library (needed for windows packaging)

       (off by default)

      Use Haskell bindings to the International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries

       (off by default)

      Build the test-citeproc program

       (off by default)

      Turn on debug tracing.

       (off by default)

      Use static linking.


This package provides a library and executable to facilitate the use of citeproc with pandoc 1.12 and greater. (Earlier versions of pandoc have integrated citeproc support.)


The pandoc-citeproc executable can be used as a filter with pandoc to resolve and format citations using a bibliography file and a CSL stylesheet. It can also be used (with --bib2yaml or --bib2json options) to convert a bibliography to a YAML format that can be put directly into a pandoc markdown document or to CSL JSON. Bibliographies can be in any of several formats, but bibtex and biblatex are the best supported.

For usage and further details, see the pandoc-citeproc man page.

The current version of the package includes code from citeproc-hs, which has not been updated for some time. When citeproc-hs is brought up to date, this code can be removed and this package will depend on citeproc-hs.


Those who use pandoc as a library (e.g. in a web application) will need to use this module to process citations.

The module exports two functions, processCites, which is pure and accepts a style and a list of references as arguments, and processCites', which lives in the IO monad and derives the style and references from the document's metadata.