Changelog of @hackage/nonempty-vector

Revision history for nonempty-vector

  • Missed a strictness tick in postscanl'

  • INLINE pragma for slice

  • Remove naughty Generic, and Alternative instances as they can construct empty NonEmptyVectors

  • Handwritten Read and Read1 instances with safe cons

  • Added uncons, unsnoc, replicate1, generate1, iterateN1, unsafeCreate, unsafeCreateT, unfoldr1, unfoldr1N, unfoldr1M, unfoldr1NM,

  • Added unsafeFromList, unsafeFromVector, and fromNonEmptyN1

  • Add ifilterM

  • Add doctests for all new functions + many familiar ones

  • Remove MonadFail instance for the sake of backcompat with LTS < 13
  • Drop Cabal version down to 2.0 -- 2019-10-20

  • Export toMVector and fromMVector
  • clean up docs -- 2019-10-20

  • First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.