Changelog of @hackage/mmsyn7ukr

Revision history for mmsyn7ukr -- 2019-12-19

  • First version. Released on an unsuspecting world. -- 2019-12-19

  • First version revised A. Fixed an issue with an empty do-block (mismatched code indentation). -- 2019-12-20

  • First version revised B. Improved some documentation and .cabal file. -- 2019-12-23

  • First version revised C. Fixed an issues with the not created and not appripriately running recording for the sound. -- 2019-12-24

  • Second version. Fixed an issue with the copying files. Changed a module structure. Some minor changes to the documentation. -- 2019-12-24

  • Second version revised A. Extended the bounds for the base package dependency so that it now can be compiled for GHC 8.8.1. Added some functionality to improve the control over the program mmsyn7ukr behaviour. -- 2019-12-24

  • Third version. Changed behaviour of the program so that it now only creates a "voice". It allows to use additional executable mmsyn7h afterwards from the package with the same name. The latter is very close to mmsyn6ukr but uses the data files in the directory where it is running instead of defined by the standard for Paths_mmsyn6ukr.