Changelog of @hackage/microlens-process

Revision history for microlens-process

Final design - this will not change unless System.Process significantly changes.

  • System.Process.Microlens.CommandSpec is renamed to System.Process.Microlens.CmdSpec to be more flush with the data names
  • documentation improvements all around
  • Type signatures of combinators inheriting, piping, handling and nostreaming have had their unnecessary constraints dropped
  • microlens-process is now in lockstep featurewise
  • Traversals + Lenses have been added where in lens-process they would have been Prisms and Isos respectively. While it is slightly too powerful a constraint, the functionality is sound.

GHC versions < 710 fail because applicative is not in base. Explicit import added where needed

Fix the cabal version

Expose a new module called System.Process.Microlens.CommandSpec, exposing traversals into the arguments of a raw command.

Added doctests

Improved docs

Widen bounds, improve docs

  • Correct and widen version bounds

  • First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.