@hackage memory0.14.15

memory and related abstraction stuff


Build Status BSD Haskell

Documentation: memory on hackage

A generic memory and related abstraction for haskell:

  • A polymorphic byte array abstraction and function similar to strict ByteString.
  • Different type of byte array abstraction.
  • Raw memory IO operations (memory set, memory copy, ..)
  • Aliasing with endianness support.

Also provides some useful helpers:


Development versions are an incremental number prefixed by 0. No specific meaning is associated with the versions, specially no API stability.

Production versions : TBD

Coding Style

The coding style of this project mostly follows: haskell-style


Memory supports the following platform:

  • Windows >= 7
  • OSX >= 10.8
  • Linux

On the following architectures:

  • x86-64
  • i386

On the following haskell versions:

  • GHC 7.10
  • GHC 8.0
  • GHC 8.2

Some older versions or different systems are possibly working too