@hackage loglevel0.1.0.0
Log Level Datatype
- Thu, 30 Aug 2018
Tested Compilers
Dependencies (3)
Dependents (3)
@hackage/chainweb-mining-client, @hackage/acme-everything, @hackage/heftia-effects
Log Level Datatype
This package provides a Haskell log-level datatype. It allows to specify APIs with logging-callbacks without depending on a particular logging framework.
There is a large number of different Haskell logging frameworks that support different use cases and backends. As a consequence these framework make different trade-offs with respect to their architecture and implementation. Often they have complex internals and many external dependencies.
While logging frameworks differ a lot in their internals and backends, they tend to have similar frontends. In particular, many software components depend for logging only on a callback function that typically has a type similar to
loggingCallback ∷ LogLevel → Text → IO ()
The only framework-specific dependency is the LogLevel
type. This type is in
most cases similar, often isomorphic, and sometimes even identical across
different frameworks.
It is unfortunate that a software component has to depend on a particular
logging framework (and all of the frameworks dependencies) just for using the
type that is almost identical throughout most logging frameworks.
This package allows software components to include logging callbacks in their APIs without depending on a particular logging framework.
Even more complex logging callbacks often have a type along the lines of
genericLoggingCallback ∷ c a ⇒ LogLevel → a → IO ()
where c
is a constraint made up from common type classes like ToJSON
, NFData
, or Generic